Idiomatic expressions can be fun and interesting. We often use them with our intermediate levels. Let's discover some idiomatic phrases involving animals!
FA UN FREDDO CANE! - It's dog cold! It means that it's really cold
AVERE UNO STOMACO DA STRUZZO! - To have an ostrich's stomach. It means that a person can eat without limits
ESSERE UNA VOLPE - To be a fox. It refers to someone who's very smart and cunning.
ESSERE UN'OCA - To be a goose. We use it to describe a silly or flighty woman.
ESSERE UN GHIRO - To be a log. Very common way to describe someone who sleeps a lot
ESSERE UN CONIGLIO - To be a rabbit. Very popular way to describe someone who's always scared of everything.
ESSERE UNA CIVETTA - To be a owl. Common way to talk about someone flirty.
ESSERE PAZZO COME UN CAVALLO - To be crazy like a horse.